Add to the list the following ones:
1) The insecure ones. Those who feel the need to oppose the good suggestions by senior devs just cause they themself did not think of the idea.
2) Those who lack the ability to do good code reviews to find actual problems with design\optimization\ synchronization\edge cases etc. and instead take pride in commenting about syntax: "unwanted imports", "spelling mistakes", "extra space / semicolon" (Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate clean code , but a simple git tool can take care of these. We don't need a high paid developer do this work instead of finding real issues with code that survive past the compilation stage!)
3) Those who want to appear very productive by mis-reporting tasks as "completed" even before their code has passed review\test\beta usage from end users. If the code is written and works on their devices, the task is Done as per these. Time to get another "awesome" from the leaders.