In software, the only real things are 0's and 1's. Everything else is just an opinion.
Most of the people who hate static typing haven't written significant amount of code in large teams , code which survives for years, code which does more serious things like run device drivers , operating systems, hardware interfacing, running high speed network routings , guided missiles, launching space crafts ....a.k.a developers who mostly draw fancy rectangles on screen and rely on libraries written by real programmers in real programming languages like C\C++ to borrow native libraries to do high performance algorithms like video decoders \ encryption etc (or worse still , their so called beloved language runs on top of native interpreter engines written in C and C++).
These people who hate static typing and typescript surprisingly will defend having "some" high level language with english words and won't have the guts to write code in plain simple assembly or Machine code . Whatever nonsense arguments they use against static typing would theoretically apply to even the high level programming languages vs Assembly language. Why should people waste time declaring a : const PI = 3.14 rather than be more "productive" by directly assigning 3.14 to a CPU register and get away with high speed working code?