Most democracies are witnessing the flaw which Plato had observed in The Republic and his allegory: The Ship of Fools:
"Everyone's vote gets the same value while electing a government irrespective of their intellectual stature"
Plato noted that if the vote of a person who is gullible and easily polarized by things of less importance will have the same amount of value as the vote of a more stable-minded, progressive person who cares about things like better education , healthcare, employment , prices of fuels, better civic infrastructure etc, it will lead to the collapse of the democracy , since the number of gullible are more than the progressive people in a country , the masses will be pre-occupied fighting about less important agenda while the voices of those who care for real development get suppressed.
Basically until the election criteria and voting system is improved to add merit to the voters intellectual capability, democracy will have troubles like this with majority vs minority. Today the only criteria for voting eligibility is to be older than 18 years which is a weak criteria that needs to be improved.
Here is a good video with better explanation: