Very nice blog.
The past two years due to covid lockdown, offered me a chance to closely study a lot of philosophy , psychology and religion\spirituality outside of my normal Mathematics study. And a lot of the thoughts you have put forth here rhymed with what I felt as well. In fact, eventually I came to a similar conclusion that we as humanity need to work on creating a nextgen religion which borrows from the latest insights we have obtained from the developments in the feilds of physics\biology\psycology etc while preserving the good aspects of older religions.
"Be adaptive\receptive to change when prior beliefs are revealed to have cracks"
should be the 1st Commandment of such a religion!!!
Thats is the one of the primary difference between science and religions. Science doesn't worship people\rituals and is open to change\challenges.
There is a thing called "faith" which has not have official place in academics\sciences but human psycology needs it and religion offers this place to "faith".